Inspire® therapy may be a treatment option for your obstructive sleep apnea patients who struggle with CPAP.
Our comprehensive training covers every detail.
We’ll always be there, whenever you need us.
Practice your clinic workflow.
Learn from those who’ve already made Inspire part of their practice.
Relentlessly pursue safe, effective, and reliable treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.
Strive to consistently improve the quality of life of our patients and exceed customer expectations.
Maintain rigorous processes that ensure compliance with applicable global laws and regulations.
From its original founding in 2007, successful patient outcomes and care experiences have been the guiding tenants for Inspire. Dr. Glen Nelson, Inspire’s first chairman of the board, established the motto, “if we put the patient first, we will never lose our way.” This spirit guides us and has led to significant investment in the Inspire post market surveillance system. Putting the patient first requires a deep understanding of the experience today and a continuous focus on identifying ways to make the experience better all the time.
Dr. Glen D. Nelson
Inspire Chairman of the Board 2007-2016
Evaluates and presents 5-year clinical safety and effectiveness of Inspire upper-airway stimulation for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.
Updated database of “real-world” Inspire clinical outcomes.
Comparison of clinical outcomes in the treatment on obstructive sleep apnea
Compares readmission & complication rates 90-days postoperatively